Thursday, February 10, 2011

Superbowl goodie!

If you're like me you enjoy eating food that isn't good for you even though you feel guilty about it later. I decided for the Superbowl I wanted potato skins but I really didn't feel like figuring out how to deep fry them. So, here's what I did instead! I added some seasoned salt, pepper, paprika and garlic powder to about 3tbsp of oil. I scooped out all but about a quarter inch of some already baked potatos (I'll tell you what I did with the potato after this!) and then brushed the seasoned oil all over the potatos. On a greased cookie sheet, I put all the potatos scooped side down in the oven for 7 minutes at 475. After the time was up, I flipped them over and let them cook another 7 minutes. After that it's pretty much whatever you want! We had them with monterrey jack and cheddar cheese, bacon bits and chives (homegrown, thank you very much).

With the leftover potato I added about a tbsp of butter, a handful of chives and a couple pinches of cheddar and monterrey jack cheese. They were great the next day in my lunch!

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